Monday, June 26, 2017

Your Momma's So Fat

Stilton's Place had a nice commentary on how Kellyanne keeps sticking her foot in her mouth.

Sadly, I had to agree. Here's my comment on the post:

You summed it up well.

Both sides are pretending what happened was some "Great Scheme" instead of, as you described, a phishing campaign that got a hacker, or group of hackers, into some servers.

The left is relying on ignorance and fear to give the impression that this was a highly coordinated, sophisticated, state-sponsored attack which could only come from Russia against freedom and democracy.

In actuality, it was an email that likely included a hyperlink like "Click here to see what you won!" with the target URL being a script kiddie file with a keylogger.

Even if the program was written with a cryllic keyboard, we now KNOW the NSA does that to hide the source of our own programs. I'm sure the Russians use similar tactics. It could have been China, Iran, North Korea, Vietnam, or, for Pete's sake a kid in Indonesia who downloaded the file from a 4Chan group.

We don't know anything except the idiots in charge have no idea how any of this works and are not only over their heads on the technological aspect of this, they are over their head in how to handle it.

I feel bad, but Kellyanne is getting her butt handed to her on these things. I get what she was trying to do, but she got suckered with a kid's game.

Doesn't the Trump admin sit and think these scenarios out?

Minion 1: Hey, this report says Obama KNEW about the hacking and did nothing!
Minion 2: Idea! We emphasize that to show how Obama was negligent!
Minion 3: Um... Wouldn't that give the Democrat party ammunition to say, 'See! See! The Russians really DID hack the election!'
Ghost of James Carville: Dadgummit! Hornswaggled again! I'm madder than a tick on a June bug!

*I know James Carville isn't dead, he's just omnipresent*

Both sides should just resort to a televised Cut-Down contest, or a Your Momma joke-off to end this once and for all.

Your momma's soooo fat...

Friday, June 23, 2017

Why I Watch Doctor Who

"Human progress isn’t measured by industry. It’s measured by the value you place on a life.

An unimportant life.

A life without privilege.

The boy who died on the river, that boy’s value is your value. That’s what defines an age, that’s… what defines a species.

` Peter Capaldi as The Doctor
` Episode: Thin Ice

I have a love of the current run of Doctor Who. Specifically, all of the NuWho since 2005. I have some Brit friends who tell me Doctor Who is just a kid's show and they don't watch it.

So why do I?

Part of it is I'm a geek and always have been. I want to explain, that isn't all of it though.

A few years back I was going through a LOT of back pain. A LOT. I was really, really depressed and flipping through Netflix one weekend. I saw the series for Doctor who was there and decided to venture a try on it. I started with NuWho Series 1, Episode 1, "Rose".

I loved it.

Sure, it had some HORRIBLY CHEESY music, but you'd spend 45 minutes getting into the plot and what was going on and then WHAMMO! The Doctor does something brilliant and saves the day.

Eccelston (Number 9) is my doctor. He always put on a happy face to hide his true feelings. I was shocked when he blew his top in "Dalek" but by the end of the Series, I was hooked. I am sad he only had one Series as The Doctor, he was "Fantastic".

Tennant (Ten) is my favorite Doctor. He carried on with the happy faced, but troubled character. He added a lot of emotion to the part and it was more than just a fun ride.

But why am I hooked? Why do I watch a kid's show to this day?

Because the show is about hope.

The show gave me something to look forward to in my pain; something as an escape. When the TARDIS door swings open and The Doctor steps out, hands in pockets with his confident swagger, I knew I was along for a fun ride.

I liked Matt Smith (Eleven) and was severely disappointed in Capaldi's (Twelve) take on The Doctor. My family has since met him, Michelle Gomez and Jenna Coleman and they found them all to be wonderfully delightful people. They were gracious and kind to my kids and wanted to know more about them. They love their fans.

Series 9 made me like Capaldi's Doctor. Series 8 was just unclear on why he was... mean. I don't know how else to put it. I blame the writing of Moffet as he failed to show how much 300 years on Trensladore had damaged The Doctor as a person. I get that now. It also helps Capaldi's wild(ish) hair has given him a much friendlier look.

Three more episodes with Capaldi before we get a new Doctor. I don't know if I'll like him (or her if you follow the rumors) but I expect to remain a fan.

Hope is eternal. As long as I have hope, I have life.